Creating a forward-looking leadership for the museum through artistic and cultural activities in the Faculty of Art Education

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 كلية التربية الفنية، جامعة حلوان

2 12 Ismail Mohamed Street, Faculty Of Art Education


The Faculty of Art Education at Helwan University plays a vital role in preparing students for active engagement in Egyptian museums. Through practical training and artistic experiences, it furnishes students with essential skills to document and interpret art, safeguard cultural heritage, and foster knowledge dissemination. In today's digital age, museums require leaders adept in technology and possessing artistic vision. The faculty can significantly contribute by advocating for a comprehensive museum model integrating physical and digital realms. The study identifies a critical educational gap, emphasizing the urgent need to train e-museum leaders. Proposed is an impactful arts program aimed at cultivating future leaders, encompassing activities such as digital photography, documentary filmmaking, and heritage appreciation. Highlighted are the manifold benefits of museums, including enhanced public engagement, educational innovation, and sustainability. In conclusion, the College of Art Education serves as a pivotal institution in nurturing skilled museum leaders and bridging the gap between art and technology in the digital age, thereby contributing to the cultural enrichment and advancement of Egyptian society.

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